Sofia Labropoulou

About me

Vienna, Austria

Sofia Labropoulou is a kanun player, composer and improviser who has developed a distinct sound by merging the worlds of Greek folk and East Mediterranean musical cultures, western Medieval, free improvisation and contemporary music.
As a soloist, she frequently collaborates with world-renowned musicians of various musical traditions from Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.
Her first personal album “Sisyphus” was released in December 2020 (Odradek Records).
She currently lives in Vienna.

Cultural background

  • Greece



  • Beauty
  • Boldness
  • Making a difference
  • Pleasure
  • Respect
  • Compassion
  • Wisdom

Project Music

No submissions for Beyond Music Project Volume 4.

  • Cast list
Midday Prayer
  • Award Winner

A middle-eastern bolero combining elements from Iran/Greece/Argentina. A different kind of prayer or confession in the brightest hour of the day when the sun reaches its highest point and nothing can be hidden. Exposed, vulnerable, and yet liberated. Farrokzad, an iconic poetess, a rebel who is moving in the line of the great tradition of Persian poets such as Rumi. Through her verses, Sin transforms and acquires a divine quality. It becomes an anthem of femininity standing against the absurdity and the evolving darkness of our present.

  • World
  • Singer
  • Acoustic guitar
  • Cello
  • Qanun
  • Bass clarinet
  • Argentina
  • Greece
  • Iran

No submissions for Beyond Music Project Volume 2.

No submissions for Beyond Music Project Volume 1.

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